Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round medication to prevent parasites from damaging your pet’s health.

Ticks, fleas, worms and more. They may be small but they are definitely terrible. Aside from being a nuisance, parasites can cause serious harm not only to your pet, but also to other animals and people around you. With a parasite preventive medication, you can ensure your pet can remain parasite free. Call us at 647-350-6666 and we can help you choose the right option for your pet.

Do pets need parasite control in the winter?

Yes! Your pet can still get parasites even in the colder months. Once indoors or in warm areas, parasites can be just as active and they can reproduce just as much as during the summer months. Some parasites can occupy your pet, hibernate for the winter, lay eggs and then become active during the spring. Missing even just one dose of their medication can leave your pet unprotected.

What types of parasites can I get from my pet?

You can get hookworms and roundworms from your dog when they lovingly lick your face or other areas of your body. You can also get parasites from cats. An example is toxoplasma, a type of parasite you can get from petting a feline friend.

If I never let my pet outdoors/outside can they skip parasite medications?

No. Remember, parasites can still make their way into your home. Even if you live in a high rise building, parasites can access your pet through you, other people, other animals and other objects that enter your home.

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